Saturday 24 October 2020

The Apes In Print

The Apes have graced thousands of magazine covers over the years. Here is a small selection from around the world.


Wednesday 21 October 2020

The Surgeon (1974) Part 7

Roddy McDowall as Galen
Ron Harper as Virdon
James Naughton as Burke
Mark Lenard as Urko
Booth Colman as Zaius
Jacqueline Scott as Kira
Michael Strong as Travin
Martin Brooks as Leander
Jamie Smith Jackson as Arna (“girl”)
David Naughton as Dr Stole
Raymond Mayo as human
Diana Hale as Brigid
Phil Montgomery as Jordo
Ron Stein as Haman
and Ron Stein as Lafer
Eldon Burke as Chester
Peter Ireland as Cleon


(edited from Planet Of The Apes Wiki and IMDb).

The title of the ancient 20th Century book kept by Zaius, which was to save Virdon's life, was Principles Of Surgery by Dr Walter Mather of the Hanson Clinic. Burke was familiar with his work.

When Galen and Burke broke into Zaius's home, they used a bust of his predecessor Doswa on a stretcher, pretending it was the body of Zaius.

The Surgeon, together with The Deception, was adapted as Planet of the Apes #2: Escape To Tomorrow by George Alec Effinger, and published by Award Books.

This episode formed the first half of the fourth TV movie Life, Liberty And Pursuit On The Planet Of The Apes (paired with The Interrogation), originally broadcast in 1981.

The seventh episode to be broadcast (25th October in the USA, 24th November in the UK), this was the ninth episode filmed, chronologically, according to the Production Code.

First credited appearance for a 23-year-old David Naughton (Dr Stole) in TV or film. Naughton would go on to appear as David Kessler in An American Werewolf In London (1981). This is the only time he has appeared together with his real life brother James Naughton.

poster by Dave Ballard