Saturday 3 July 2021

Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes (1972) Part 51

1 comment:

  1. Just watched the uncut version.
    At about the same age when I first saw Conquest on TV, I watched Magnum Force on TV with my friend who'd seen it already in a theater. He told me about all the explicit squib shot blood they'd cut for the "fa#&&ot TV version," and I was so disappointed and jealous. His parents let him see R rated movies.
    So anyway, I mention that to make two whimsical points:

    1) In the 70's, there was so much concern about explicit violence on television ... Networks would get super Big Brotherish and shred the balls out of "R" movies. In the first set piece in Magnum Force-- the cop shooting the guys in the car-- they took out all but the cop pulling his gun and the sound of his shots rattling off. No impact squibs, nothing. Oh man! No fairs!! :(

    For months I wondered what it might've looked like, the scene my friend had seen, the sacred, secret, 'grownups-eyes-only' and totally awesome forbidden scene!

    2) If I had, as a kid, seen the director's cut of Conquest --all those extra strikes, kicks, stabs, burnings, body-stacking, gunshots to the face scenes, etc.- instead of the PG'd and Gandhi'd up version I saw (which I still enjoyed), I'd have loved it so much I think I might've peed my freakin' pants. :)

    Thanks for your awesome site! Despite my hypergraphia, I promise not to comment every time I stop for some ape. :)
